The iTavli app offers 3 methods (Win, Quit, Resign) to end an online backgammon game. Because these methods may have an impact on the player’s status, in this article we will analyze them. Note, that these methods are available in all versions (mobile and web), and in all games.
Win a game
This is the anticipated method to end a game. One of the two player is announced the winner of the game, and in the score dialog either player chooses not to play a second (or third…) game. This method has no impact on the player’s status.
Quit a game
At the top of the screen we see two buttons:
If we click on the Quit button, the game is immediately terminated, and we lose that game. Our opponent will see a message saying that we decided to quit the game, and (s)he is given a choice to report us. If (s)he does report us, our report value will increase by 1. This value appears in the list of online players (go to How to play an online backgammon game article, image “iTavli: List of online players”).
These games do not count in the tournaments.
Resign a game
Resigning a game has a totally different logic than the one for quitting a game. Because, now, we acknowledge that we have lost the game, and we ask our opponent to either start a new game or quit.
Note, that whichever choice we make, it is not in affect immediately. Instead, we need to wait for our opponent response. Our opponent has the right to reject it. In this case, it is nice to discuss this issue with him/her, maybe, (s)he does not wish to start a new game.
If our opponent wishes to resign a game, we will see the following two dialogs:
As you can see, we have the choice to accept or decline that request. If we accept it, we are immediately announced the winner of the game, and we either start a new game or we go back to the main menu.
Even though it is totally legitimate to resign a game, and it is preferably that the one to quit it, these games do not count in the tournaments. We did this, because we are afraid that a user may abuse this feature.
Enjoy the game!