In the article Statistics: Keep Track of the Online Score we described the process for calculating the online score, and we presented a few screenshots of the Statistics screen for the Web version. In this article we focus on the mobile version. The process for calculating the online score is identical to the one used in the Web version, thus, here we describe the Player’s Profile.
When we start the mobile version of the iTavli application we see the next screenshot.
At the center of that screen we find the available games. The arrows allow us to navigate through these games. At the bottom of the screen we see buttons to the list of Online Players, and to the Settings screen. At the right end of the screen we see two buttons: One to watch a live game, and one for the Statistics screen. We tap on the second button
On the mobile version we keep track of the local games and the online score.
At a first glance, we may say that the Statistics screen for the online score is identical to the one for the Web version. But, a closer look at it, reveals two important differences:
- Two buttons at the top right corner: One to reload the list and one to search for a player’s name
- An orange arrow at the right end of each row. This arrow indicates that if we tap on it we will go to a new screen.
That new screen is the player’s profile.
The Profile screen is “split” into two. At the left side we see :
- Player’s image
- Player’s name
- Online Score (or Points)
- Total number of games that that player has Won
- Total number of games that that player has Lost
- Total number of games that were not finished (Quit)
At the right side we see the Online score, the games that (s)he has won and lost in three different periods:
- This month
- Previous months
- Previous years
But, there is a 4th button called “Games”. If we tap on that button we see a list of all the games that that player has played in the past two months.
Each row in that list gives the name of the players, the game that they played and the result of that game. As before, at the far end of each row we see a right arrow. Thus, something interesting should happen when we tap on it. As a matter of fact, we watch a replay of each of these games.
Since this is not our game nor a live game, the menu has different buttons.
From that menu we can restart the game, change the speed that the game will progress, and see the current progress.
The Statistics screen is extremely important because it gives us the Online score of each player. But, the Player’s Profile is far more interesting. Not only we can extract useful information for a player by watching how (s)he performs over a large period of time, but, more important we can watch all his/her games that he played in that last two months.
We can discuss about this in forum
Enjoy the game!